Are you an expert marketer? Apply to be a SowGrow Marketing Featured Expert.
The SowGrow Marketing Council selects a limited number of members to serve for a 12-month term in the role of Featured Expert. Featured Experts:
Have priority in sharing 4-minute educational tips at SowGrow Marketing Council Meetings.
Contribute to the SowGrow Marketing Forum.
Have a Featured Expert Badge on member profile
Are promoted on social media, podcast and videos
​Featured Experts are required to:
Be a marketing expert with at least 10 years of industry experience.
Attend and present a tip at the monthly virtual meeting.
Commit to missing no more than two meetings in a 12-month period.
Be a member of the SGMC website.
Agree to post their tip on the SGMC forum once a month.
If you would like to be a Featured Expert, apply below.